Virginia National Bankshares (NASDAQ:VABK) Trading Down 0.1% – Time to Sell?

Virginia National Bankshares Co. (NASDAQ:VABKGet Free Report) shares fell 0.1% during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The company traded as low as $42.60 and last traded at $42.63. 3,926 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 64% from the average session volume of 10,912 shares. The stock had previously closed at $42.68.

Virginia National Bankshares Stock Performance

The stock has a market cap of $228.92 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 14.75 and a beta of 0.46. The company has a current ratio of 0.89, a quick ratio of 0.89 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.32. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $40.97 and its 200-day moving average is $36.38.

Virginia National Bankshares (NASDAQ:VABKGet Free Report) last released its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, October 17th. The company reported $0.85 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter. The company had revenue of $13.48 million during the quarter. Virginia National Bankshares had a net margin of 18.95% and a return on equity of 9.96%.

Virginia National Bankshares Announces Dividend

The business also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, December 20th. Shareholders of record on Friday, December 6th will be given a $0.33 dividend. This represents a $1.32 annualized dividend and a yield of 3.10%. The ex-dividend date is Friday, December 6th. Virginia National Bankshares’s dividend payout ratio (DPR) is presently 45.67%.

Institutional Investors Weigh In On Virginia National Bankshares

Large investors have recently modified their holdings of the stock. Barclays PLC boosted its holdings in Virginia National Bankshares by 277.1% in the 3rd quarter. Barclays PLC now owns 6,136 shares of the company’s stock worth $256,000 after acquiring an additional 4,509 shares during the period. Bank of New York Mellon Corp boosted its stake in shares of Virginia National Bankshares by 5.0% in the second quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 13,483 shares of the company’s stock valued at $442,000 after purchasing an additional 637 shares during the period. Renaissance Technologies LLC grew its holdings in Virginia National Bankshares by 88.5% during the 2nd quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC now owns 19,600 shares of the company’s stock valued at $643,000 after purchasing an additional 9,200 shares in the last quarter. Raffles Associates LP increased its stake in Virginia National Bankshares by 4.0% during the 2nd quarter. Raffles Associates LP now owns 26,867 shares of the company’s stock worth $881,000 after buying an additional 1,023 shares during the period. Finally, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP lifted its holdings in Virginia National Bankshares by 3.2% in the 2nd quarter. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP now owns 33,702 shares of the company’s stock worth $1,105,000 after buying an additional 1,049 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 37.39% of the company’s stock.

About Virginia National Bankshares

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Virginia National Bankshares Corporation operates as the holding company for Virginia National Bank that provides a range of commercial and retail banking services. The company operates through Bank, Sturman Wealth Advisors, VNB Trust and Estate Services, and Masonry Capital segments. It provides checking accounts, demand deposits, NOW accounts, money market deposit accounts, time deposits, certificates of deposit, individual retirement accounts, and other depository services.

Further Reading

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