Roche Holding (VTX: ROG)‘s stock had its “outperform” rating reiterated by equities researchers at Sanford C. Bernstein in a research report issued on Monday, Stock Ratings Network reports. They currently have a CHF 247 price objective on the stock.
ROG has been the subject of a number of other recent research reports. Analysts at Independent Research GmbH reiterated a “hold” rating on shares of Roche Holding in a research note to investors on Wednesday, May 29th. Separately, analysts at Deutsche Bank reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of Roche Holding in a research note to investors on Tuesday, May 28th. They now have a CHF 280 price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at Societe Generale reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of Roche Holding in a research note to investors on Thursday, May 23rd. They now have a CHF 301 price target on the stock.
Two research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and three have issued a buy rating to the company’s stock. The company currently has an average rating of “Buy” and an average target price of €269.50 ($350.00).
Roche Holding AG is a Swiss pharmaceuticals and diagnostics holding company. It belongs to the Roche Group that operates through subsidiaries and associated companies around the world.