Wereldhave NV (EU: WER)‘s stock had its “add” rating restated by equities researchers at AlphaValue in a research report issued on Thursday, ARN reports. They currently have a €59.10 ($76.75) price objective on the stock.
A number of other firms have also recently commented on WER. Analysts at Kempen & Co reiterated a “neutral” rating on shares of Wereldhave NV in a research note to investors on Friday, May 24th. They now have a €58.00 ($75.32) price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at ABN Amro reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of Wereldhave NV in a research note to investors on Friday, May 17th. They now have a €63.00 ($81.82) price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at S&P Equity Research raised their price target on shares of Wereldhave NV to €62.00 ($80.52) in a research note to investors on Tuesday, May 7th. They now have a “hold” rating on the stock.