Chinacache International Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: CCIH) posted its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday. The company reported ($0.05) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.04) by $0.01, Stock Ratings reports. The company had revenue of $37.20 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $36.40 million.
On a related note, analysts at Oppenheimer cut their price target on shares of Chinacache International Holdings Limited from $12.50 to $10.50 in a research note to investors on Wednesday, April 10th.
Shares of Chinacache International Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: CCIH) opened at 5.09 on Thursday. Chinacache International Holdings Limited has a one year low of $3.50 and a one year high of $5.90. The stock’s 50-day moving average is currently $3.74. The company’s market cap is $119.1 million.
ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd. (NASDAQ: CCIH) is a holding company and conducts is business through its operating subsidiary and affiliated entities.